dry season

views updated Jun 27 2018

dry season A period each year during which there is little precipitation. In tropical climates (e.g. over much of India) the dry period is often in the winter season. In places in very low latitudes, two dry seasons may occur each year, between the northward and southward passage of the equatorial rains. In subtropical, Mediterranean, and in the climates found on the west coasts of continents, the dry season is in the summer.

dry season

views updated May 21 2018

dry season A period each year during which there is little precipitation. In tropical climates (e.g. over much of India) the dry period is often in the winter season. In places in very low latitudes two dry seasons may occur each year, between the northward and southward passage of the equatorial rains. In subtropical, Mediterranean, and west-coast climates, the dry season is in the summer.

dry season

views updated May 08 2018

dry season Period each year during which there is little precipitation. In tropical climates, e.g. over much of India, the dry period is often in the winter season. In very low latitudes, two dry seasons may occur each year, between the northward and southward passage of the equatorial rains. In subtropical, Mediterranean, and west-coast climates, the dry season is in the summer.

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