
views updated May 23 2018


Reproductive habits

Ants and aphids


Aphids are insects in the order Homoptera, also known as plant lice. Some 3, 800 aphid species have been identified worldwide with 1, 300 species found in North America, which includes some 80 species classified as pests of crops and ornamental plants. Aphids have a distinctive pear-shaped body, and most are soft and green in color. The wings are transparent and held in a tent-like position over the abdomen, which has a short tail, called a cauda. The legs are long and thin, as are the six-segmented antennae. Two tube-like structures, called cornicles, project from the fifth or sixth abdominal segment and excrete a defensive chemical when the aphid is threatened.

Reproductive habits

Aphids have a complicated life cycle and reproduction habits that make them extremely adaptable to their host plants and environments. When aphid eggs

that have overwintered on their host plants hatch in the spring, they produce females without wings. These females are capable of reproducing asexually, a process called parthenogenesis. Several asexual generations may be produced during a growing season.

When it becomes necessary to move to another plant, winged females are produced. As winter approaches, both males and females are produced and their fertilized eggs again overwinter until the next spring. Sometimes winged females that produce asexually also migrate to new hosts. The lack of wings among generations of aphids that have no need to migrate is seen as an adaptive advantage, since it helps keep them from being blown away in windy weather.

Ants and aphids

Ants and aphids A symbiotic relationship exists between ants and aphids. They are often compared to cattle, with the ants acting as protectors and ranchers. Aphids secrete a sweet substance called honeydew, which contains surplus sugar from their diet. Ants protect aphid eggs during the winter, and carry newly hatched aphids to new host plants, where the aphids feed on the leaves and the ants get a supply of honeydew.

Because they reproduce rapidly and grow large colonies, an aphid infestation stunts growth, inhibits the crop production, and can even kill the host plant. Aphids can also carry other diseases, such as viruses, from one plant to another. Their saliva is also toxic to plant tissues. Among the biological controls of aphid infestations in agriculture and horticulture are lacewings, sometimes called aphid lions, lady beetles or ladybird beetles (ladybugs), and syrphid flies. Pesticides, including diazinon, disyston, malathion, nicotine sulfate, and others, are also used to control aphids. On a smaller scale, some gardeners control aphids by simply washing them off with a spray of soapy water.


Honeydew A sweet substance excreted by aphids that ants utilize as food.

Parthenogenesis Asexual reproduction without the fertilization of eggs.

Symbiosis A biological relationship between two or more organisms that is mutually beneficial. The relationship is obligate, meaning that the partners cannot successfully live apart in nature.



Arnett, Ross H. American Insects. New York: CRC Publishing, 2000.

Hubbell, Sue. Broadsides from the Other Orders: A Book of Bugs. New York: Random House, 1993.

Imes, Rick. The Practical Entomologist. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

McGavin, George C. Bugs of the World. London: Blandford Press, 1999.

Vita Richman
Neil Cumberlidge


views updated May 17 2018


Aphids are insects in the order Homoptera, which are also known as plant lice. Some 3,800 species of aphids have been identified worldwide with 1,300 species occurring in North America , which includes some 80 species that are pests of crops and ornamental plants. Aphids have a distinctive pear-shaped body, and most are soft and green in color . The wings are transparent and are held in a tent-like position over the abdomen, which has a short tail, called a cauda. The legs are long and thin, and the antennae are thin and have six segments. Two tube-like structures, called cornicles, project from the fifth or sixth abdominal segments of aphids. The cornicles excrete a defensive chemical when the aphid is threatened.

Reproductive habits

Aphids have a complicated life cycle and reproduction habits that make them extremely adaptable to their host plants and environments. When aphid eggs that have overwintered on their host plants hatch in the spring, they produce females without wings. These females and are capable of reproducing asexually, a process called parthenogenesis . Several asexual generations of aphids may be produced during a growing season.

When it becomes necessary to move to another plant, females with wings are produced and move to another host plant. As winter approaches, both males and females are produced and their fertilized eggs again overwinter until the next spring. Sometimes winged females that produce asexually also migrate to new hosts. The lack of wings among generations of aphids that have no need to migrate is seen as an adaptive advantage, since it helps keep them from being blown away in windy weather .

Ants and aphids

An intimate, symbiotic relationship exists between ants and aphids. They are often compared to cattle, with the ants acting as protectors and ranchers. What aphids have that ants want is something called honeydew, a sweet substance that is excreted by aphids through their anus and contains surplus sugar from the aphid's diet. Ants protect aphid eggs during the winter, and carry the newly hatched aphids to new host plants, where the aphids feed on the leaves and the ants get a supply of honeydew.

Because of their ability to reproduce rapidly and grow large colonies, their feeding on plants causes yellowing, stunting, mottling, browning, and curling of leaves, as well as inhibiting the ability of the host plant to produce crops. Infestations by aphids can cause plants to die, and the insects can carry other diseases, such as plant viruses, from one plant to another. Their saliva is also toxic to plant tissues. Among the biological controls of aphid infestations in agriculture and horticulture are lacewings , sometimes called "aphid lions," lady beetles or ladybird beetles (ladybugs), and syrphid flies . Pesticides , including diazinon, disyston, malathion, nicotine sulfate, and others, are also used to control aphids. On a smaller scale, some gardeners control aphids by simply washing them off with a spray of soapy water .



Arnett, Ross H. American Insects. New York: CRC Publishing, 2000.

Hubbell, Sue. Broadsides from the Other Orders: A Book ofBugs. New York: Random House, 1993.

Imes, Rick. The Practical Entomologist. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

McGavin, George C. Bugs of the World. Blandford Press, 1999.

Vita Richman Neil Cumberlidge


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—A hard, shell-like structure that serves both to protect the vital organs of animals without an internal skeleton and to support their muscle systems.


—A sweet substance excreted by aphids that ants need.


—Asexual reproduction without the fertilization of eggs.


—Openings that lead to a system of tubes that supply air to insects.


—A biological relationship between two or more organisms that is mutually beneficial. The relationship is obligate, meaning that the partners cannot successfully live apart in nature.


views updated Jun 11 2018

Aphididae (aphids, greenfly, blackfly; order Hemiptera, suborder Homoptera) Family of soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap using the rostrum that arises between the front pair of legs. Typically, one generation a year reproduces sexually, laying overwintering eggs, usually on woody plants, and several generations reproduce asexually and viviparously, either on the woody host or on herbs. Many species are tended by ants which feed on the honeydew. Some are serious pests. There are about 4000 species, occurring mainly in the temperate northern hemisphere.


views updated May 14 2018

a·phid / ˈāfid; ˈaf-/ • n. a minute bug (superfamily Aphidoidea, suborder Homoptera) that feeds by sucking sap from plants.


views updated May 09 2018

aphid (plant louse) Winged or wingless, soft-bodied insect found worldwide. It transmits virus diseases of plants when sucking plant juices. Females reproduce with or without mating, producing one to several generations annually. Common species are also known as blackfly and greenfly. Length: to 5mm (0.2in). Family Aphididae.


views updated May 17 2018

aphids See APHIDIDAE.

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