in·ten·sive / inˈtensiv/ • adj. 1. concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous: she undertook an intensive Arabic course eight days of intensive arms talks. ∎ (of agriculture) aiming to achieve the highest possible level of production within a limited area, esp. by using chemical and technological aids: intensive farming. Often contrasted with extensive (sense 2). ∎ [usu. in comb.] (typically in business and economics) concentrating on or making much use of a specified thing: computer-intensive methods.2. Gram. (of an adjective, adverb, or particle) expressing intensity; giving force or emphasis.3. denoting a property that is measured in terms of intensity (e.g., concentration) rather than of extent (e.g., volume), and so is not simply increased by addition of one thing to another.• n. Gram. an intensive adjective, adverb, or particle; an intensifier.DERIVATIVES: in·ten·sive·ly·ten·sive·ness n.