insight learning

views updated May 23 2018

insight learning The ability to respond correctly to a situation that is experienced for the first time and that is different from any experience encountered previously. This ability appears to involve some kind of mental reasoning. See also latent learning and trial-and-error learning.

insight learning

views updated May 18 2018

insight learning The ability to respond correctly to a situation that is experienced for the first time and that is different from any experience encountered previously. This ability appears to involve some kind of mental reasoning. See also LATENT LEARNING; TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING.

insight learning

views updated May 18 2018

insight learning A form of learning in which an animal responds to new situations by adapting experiences gained in other contexts. Insight learning requires an animal to solve problems by viewing a situation as a whole instead of relying wholly on trial-and-error learning. Chimpanzees are capable of insight learning. See learning.

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