Safe House

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Safe House ★★½ 1999

Comedythriller with a terrific lead performance by Stewart. A retiree succumbing to Alzheimer's, Mace Sowell's become increasingly paranoid and taken to carrying a gun and maintaining an elaborate security system around his L.A. home. Mace claims to be an exgovernment agent, marked for death by his former boss who's now a presidential candidate. His fears are dismissed by his shrink (Elizondo) and his daughter forces him to get an inhome caregiver, Andi Travers (Williams). But soon Andi begins to think her charge may not be crazy after all. 125m/C VHS, DVD . Patrick Stewart, Kimberly Williams, Hector Elizondo, Craig Shoemaker; D: Eric Steven Stahl; W: Eric Steven Stahl, Sean McLain; C: Vincent Donohue; M: Kevin Kiner. CABLE

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