
views updated Jun 11 2018

1. Rough masonry finish made by a pick or pointing tool, with a picked face (i.e. with only the coarsest projections removed) also called pecking.

2. Type of arch.

3. With a capital P, ‘Pointed’ refers to the Gothic style, divided into First, Middle, Second, and Third Pointed, the last most commonly called Perpendicular in England.

4. Brickwork or masonry the joints of which have been raked out and pointed with mortar. See also brick.


views updated May 29 2018

point·ed / ˈpointid/ • adj. 1. having a sharpened or tapered tip or end: his face tapers to a pointed chin.2. (of a remark or look) expressing criticism in a direct and unambiguous way: pointed comments were made about racial discrimination within the army.DERIVATIVES: point·ed·ly adv. (in sense 2).point·ed·ness n.

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