
views updated May 09 2018

gastric (gas-trik) adj. relating to or affecting the stomach. g. banding bariatric surgery in which a band is placed around the stomach to reduce its size and therefore restrict the amount of food it can accommodate. g. glands tubular glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach wall that secrete gastric juice. g. juice the liquid secreted by the gastric glands, containing hydrochloric acid, mucin, rennin, and pepsinogen. The acid acts on pepsinogen to produce the digestive enzyme pepsin. The acidity of the stomach contents also kills unwanted bacteria and other organisms that have been ingested with the food. g. ulcer an ulcer in the stomach, caused by the action of acid, pepsin, and bile on the stomach lining. Symptoms include vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen soon after eating, and such complications as bleeding (see haematemesis), perforation, and obstruction due to scarring may occur. See also Helicobacter.


views updated May 11 2018

gas·tric / ˈgastrik/ • adj. of the stomach.


views updated May 29 2018

gastric Of or relating to the stomach.