
views updated Jun 11 2018

Guarneri [Guarnerius]. It. family, makers of vns., vcs., etc. in 17th and 18th cents. Founder was Andrea (b Cremona, c.1626; d Cremona, 1698), fellow-pupil with Stradivari of Nicola Amati. His sons were Pietro Giovanni (b Cremona, 1655; d Mantua, 1720) who settled as vn.-maker in Mantua, and Giuseppe Giovanni Battista (b Cremona, 1666; d Cremona c.1739) who developed an individual style. But most celebrated of family was Bartolomeo Giuseppe (b Cremona, 1698; d Cremona, 1744), nephew of Andrea, and known as ‘del Gesù’, from the letters I.H.S. on his labels. Regarded as 2nd only to Stradivari. Revived early Brescian sch. traditions, making instrs. with rich, powerful tone. One was owned by Paganini, who bequeathed it to city of Genoa.