tri·an·gle / ˈtrīˌanggəl/ • n. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles: an equilateral triangle. ∎ a thing shaped like such a figure: a small triangle of grass. ∎ a situation involving three people or things, esp. an emotional relationship involving a couple and a third person with whom one of them is involved. ∎ a musical instrument consisting of a steel rod bent into a triangle and sounded by being struck with a small steel rod. ∎ a frame used to position the balls in pool and snooker. ∎ a drawing instrument in the form of a right triangle. ∎ (triangles) hist. a frame of three halberds joined at the top to which a soldier was bound for flogging.
triangle. Perc. instr. of indefinite pitch, made of metal shaped into a triangle and struck with metal stick to give tinkling sound. Much used by composers to intensify excitement, e.g. in 3rd movt. of Brahms's 4th sym. Liszt's pf. conc. No.1 in E♭ has important part for triangle.
triangle (try-ang-ŭl) n. (in anatomy) a three-sided structure or area; for example, the femoral triangle.