Stein, Erwin

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STEIN, ERWIN (1885–1958), conductor, music critic, and editor. Born in Vienna, Stein studied composition with Arnold *Schoenberg. For a time he was engaged as an opera conductor in Germany and from 1924 until 1934 was an editor at the music-publishing firm of Universal Edition in Vienna. At the time of the Anschluss he left Vienna for London, where he settled, joining the firm of Boosey and Hawkes. He wrote for many music magazines, edited numerous modern music scores, and published a collection of essays, Orpheus in New Guises (London, 1953). He was a particular champion of Schoenberg's music at the time of its greatest rejection by critics and the public. He also gave much support, in print and as a publisher, to the music of Benjamin Britten.

[Max Loppert (2nd ed.)]

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