Walsh, Suella
Walsh, Suella
PERSONAL: Married Lawrence Walsh (a chemist and writer).
ADDRESSES: Home—1803 Wornall Rd., Excelsior Springs, MO 64024. E-mail—[email protected].
CAREER: Editor and author. Former elementary school teacher; freelance writer. Whispering Prairie Press, member of board of directors; Potpourri Publications, member of board, 1989–95, secretary, 1991–95. Teacher at writing workshops and at libraries and schools, including Johnson County Community College, Maplewoods College. Judge for writing contests, including Longview College Scriptwriting Contest, 1991, and Kansas Coffin Awards, 1992.
MEMBER: Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Missouri Writers' Guild, Oklahoma Writers' Federation.
AWARDS, HONORS: Kansas Governor's Arts Award (with Lawrence Walsh), 1994.
(With husband, Lawrence Walsh) The Unicorn and Other Children's Stories, Potpourri Publications, 1993.
(With Suella Walsh) They Would Never Be Friends, Royal Fireworks Press (Unionville, NY), 1996.
(With Suella Walsh) Through a Dark Tunnel, Royal Fireworks Press (Unionville, NY), 2001.
Also author, with Lawrence Walsh, of books, including Viewpoint in Fiction for Potpourri Publications; Running Scared, The Case of Erica's Weird Behavior, Through a Dark Tunnel, and In the Middle of the Night, for Royal Fireworks Press; and Creating Fiction That Sells, for Shannon River Press. Contributor to books, including Chocolate for a Teen's Soul, Simon & Schuster; and to periodicals, including Highlights for Children, Writers' Journal, Buffalo Spree, Good Old Days, Byline, Mystery Forum, Friend, Potpourri, Missouri, and Missouri Life. Former columnist.