
views updated May 14 2018

cross-dating The matching of tree-ring width patterns and other properties among the trees and fragments of wood from a particular area. This enables the year in which each ring was formed in living trees and recent stumps to be determined accurately, the presence of false rings or the absence of rings in individual specimens being made apparent. By matching ring series from living specimens with those from older (e.g. constructional) timbers, the chronology may be extended backwards (a dating procedure known as dendrochronology).


views updated May 29 2018

cross-dating The matching of tree-ring width patterns and other properties among the trees and fragments of wood from a particular area. This enables the year in which each ring was formed in living trees and recent stumps to be determined accurately, the presence of false rings or the absence of rings in individual specimens being made apparent. By matching ring series from living specimens with those from older (e.g. constructional) timbers, the chronology may be extended backwards (a dating procedure known as dendrochronology).


views updated May 08 2018

cross-dating The matching of tree-ring width patterns and other properties among the trees and fragments of wood from a particular area. This enables the year in which each ring was formed in living trees and recent stumps to be determined accurately, the presence of false rings or the absence of rings in individual specimens being made apparent. By matching ring series from living specimens with those from older (e.g. constructional) timbers, the chronology may be extended backwards in time.

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