
views updated May 23 2018

driz·zle / ˈdrizəl/ • n. light rain falling in very fine drops: Boston will be cloudy with patchy drizzle | [in sing.] a steady drizzle has been falling since 3 a.m. ∎  [in sing.] Cooking a thin stream of a liquid ingredient trickled over something.• v. [intr.] (it drizzles, it is drizzling, etc.) rain lightly: it's started to drizzle | [as adj.] (drizzling) the drizzling rain. ∎  [tr.] Cooking cause a thin stream of (a liquid ingredient) to trickle over food: drizzle the clarified butter over the top. ∎  [tr.] cause a liquid ingredient to trickle over (food) in this way: raspberries drizzled with melted chocolate.DERIVATIVES: driz·zly / -z(ə)lē/ adj.


views updated May 08 2018

drizzle Precipitation of very small (200–500μm) water droplets generated by coalescence at the base of cloud such as stratus. See also CRACHIN.


views updated May 14 2018

drizzle Precipitation of very small (200–500 μm) water droplets generated by coalescence at the base of cloud such as stratus. See also crachin.


views updated May 23 2018

drizzle vb. and sb. XVI. prob. f. ME. drēse, OE. drēosan fall (see DREARY); see -LE 3.

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