
views updated Jun 11 2018

ex-1 prefix repr. L. ex-, the prep. (see prec.) used in combination. After ex-, s (as in exsequī, exserere, exstare) was later dropped; hence the spelling of EXECRATE, EXECUTE, EXERT, EXTANT, EXTIRPATE. Ex- was reduced to ē- before b, d, g, i (j), l, m, n, r, and u (cf. EBULLIENT, EDICT, EGRESS, EJECT, ELECT, EMIT, ENUNCIATE, ERECT, EVADE), and to ef- before f (cf. EFFECT).


views updated Jun 27 2018

ex-2 prefix repr. Gr. ex-, the prep. (see EX) used in combination; before consonants ek-, EC-.


views updated May 23 2018

ex- The Latin ex, meaning ‘out of’, used as a prefix meaning ‘out’ or ‘not having’.


views updated May 08 2018

ex- From the Latin ex meaning ‘out of’, a prefix meaning ‘out’ or ‘not having’.


views updated May 14 2018

ex- (exo-) prefix denoting outside or outer.

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