limnetic zone

views updated Jun 08 2018

limnetic zone The area in more extensive and deeper freshwater ecosystems that lies above the depth at which light penetration is reduced to a level where the amount of oxygen produced by photosynthesis balances the amount consumed by respiration, and beyond the littoral zone. This zone is inhabited mainly by plankton and nekton with occasional neuston species. The limnetic and littoral zones together comprise the euphotic (well-illuminated) zone. In very small and shallow lakes or ponds the limnetic zone may be absent.

limnetic zone

views updated Jun 11 2018

limnetic zone(sublittoral zone) The area in more extensive and deeper freshwater ecosystems which lies above the compensation level and beyond the littoral (lake-edge) zone. This zone is mainly inhabited by plankton and nekton with occasional neuston species. The limnetic and littoral zones together comprise the euphotic or well-illuminated zone. In very small and shallow lakes or ponds the limnetic zone may be absent.

limnetic zone

views updated May 29 2018

limnetic zone The area in more extensive and deeper freshwater ecosystems that lies above the compensation level and beyond the littoral (lake-edge) zone. This zone is mainly inhabited by plankton and nekton with occasion neuston species. The limnetic and littoral zones together comprise the euphotic or well-illuminated zone. In very small and shallow lakes or ponds the limnetic zone may be absent.

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