
views updated May 29 2018

pol·lard / ˈpälərd/ • v. [tr.] [often as adj.] (pollarded) cut off the top and branches of (a tree) to encourage new growth at the top: a wide boulevard lined with pollarded linden trees.• n. 1. a tree whose top and branches have been cut off for this reason.2. archaic an animal, e.g., a sheep or deer, that has lost its horns or cast its antlers.


views updated May 23 2018

pollard To behead a tree at about head height, usually about 2 m above ground level, in order to produce a crown of small branches, suitable for firewood, fencing, etc., beyond the reach of deer or farm livestock. See pollarding. Compare coppice.


views updated Jun 27 2018

pollard horned animal that has lost its horns XVI; tree that has been polled or cut back XVII. f. POLL1 + -ARD.
Hence vb. XVII.


views updated May 11 2018

pollard To behead a tree at a convenient height, usually about 2 m above ground level, in order to produce a crown of small poles, suitable for firewood, fencing etc. This allows the production of small material out of the reach of deer and farm livestock.

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