roche moutonnée

views updated May 17 2018

roche moutonnée(glaciated rock knob, stoss-and-lee topography) A mound-like land-form of glacial erosion, consisting of a smoothed, streamlined, up-glacier surface and a broken, shattered, lee flank, which probably results from a combination of abrasion, frost-shattering, and the plucking out of blocks by the glacier, although crushing has been suggested as a contributory mechanism.

roche moutonnée

views updated May 08 2018

roche moutonnée (glaciated rock knob, stoss-and-lee topography) Mound-like landform of glacial erosion, consisting of a smoothed, streamlined, up-glacier surface and a broken, shattered, lee flank. It probably results from a combination of abrasion, frost-shattering, and the plucking out of blocks by the glacier, although crushing has been suggested as a contributory mechanism.

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Updated Aug 08 2016 About content Print Topic

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