Degrees Offered by St. Mary's University of San Antonio

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Accounting, BM

Art Teacher Education, B

Biochemistry, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, MO

Business Teacher Education, B

Chemistry, B

Clinical Psychology, M

Communication and Media Studies, M

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer Engineering, BM

Computer Science, BM

Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, B

Counseling Psychology, DO

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, MD

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Criminology, B

Economics, BMO

Education, BMO

Educational Leadership and Administration, MO

Electrical Engineering, M

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Engineering, B

Engineering and Applied Sciences, MO

Engineering Management, M

Engineering Science, B

English, M

English Language and Literature, B

Finance, B

Finance and Banking, M

French Language and Literature, B

Geology/Earth Science, B

Health and Physical Education, B

History, BM

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, B

Human Services, MDO

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, M

Industrial Engineering, B

Industrial/Management Engineering, MO

Information Science/Studies, BM

International Affairs, MO

International Business/Trade/Commerce, BM

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Law and Legal Studies, PO

Management, M

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, MO

Mass Communication/Media Studies, B

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Operations Research, M

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, M

Philosophy, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, BMO

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Psychology, BM

Public Policy and Administration, MO

Reading Teacher Education, BM

Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, B

School Psychology, M

Social Studies Teacher Education, B

Sociology, B

Software Engineering, M

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, B

Statistics, B

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, MO

Taxation, M

Theology and Religious Vocations, MO

Theology/Theological Studies, B

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Degrees Offered by St. Mary's University of San Antonio

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    Degrees Offered by St. Mary's University of San Antonio