ex·am·ple / igˈzampəl/ • n. 1. a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule: it's a good example of how European action can produce results. ∎ a printed or written problem or exercise designed to illustrate a rule.2. a person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated or the likelihood of their being imitated: it is vitally important that parents should set an example.PHRASES: for example used to introduce something chosen as a typical case: many, like Helen, for example, come from very poor backgrounds.make an example of punish as a warning to others.
example example is better than precept demonstration is more effective than advice. The saying is recorded in English from the early 15th century, but the idea is found earlier in Latin in the letters of Seneca, ‘long is the way by means of precepts, short and effective by examples.’
make an example of punish as a warning or deterrent to others.
example object or action to copy or imitate; instance to warn or deter XIV; typical instance XV. — OF. example (mod. exemple), refash. after L. of essample — L. exemplum, f. *exem-, eximere take out (see EXEMPT).