Lincoln, battle of

views updated May 17 2018

Lincoln, battle of, 1217. The opponents of King John called in Louis, dauphin of France, to assist them. He continued his campaign in 1217 after John's death. On 20 May 1217 his supporters besieging Lincoln castle were themselves attacked by a relief force under William Marshal, earl of Pembroke regent for John's young son Henry III. The comte de la Perche, anding the French troops, was killed and resistance melted away. The ironic nickname ‘The Fair of Lincoln’ suggested that the rebels did not fight with undue tenacity.

J. A. Cannon

Lincoln, battle of

views updated May 11 2018

Lincoln, battle of, 1141. Stephen, besieging Lincoln castle, held by supporters of Matilda, the rival claimant to the throne, was himself attacked by a relief force under Robert, earl of Gloucester, Matilda's half-brother, and Ranulf, earl of Chester, Gloucester's son-in-law. After heavy fighting in the streets on 2 February, Stephen was captured and taken to Bristol for imprisonment.

J. A. Cannon

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