ex·port • v. / ikˈspôrt; ˈekspôrt/ [tr.] send (goods or services) to another country for sale: we exported $16 million worth of mussels to Japan. ∎ spread or introduce (ideas and beliefs) to another country: the Greeks exported Hellenic culture around the Mediterranean basin. ∎ Comput. transfer (data) in a format that can be used by other programs.• n. / ˈekˌspôrt/ (usu. exports) a commodity, article, or service sold abroad: wool and mohair were the principal exports. ∎ the selling and sending out of goods or services to other countries: the export of Western technology. ∎ [as adj.] of a high standard suitable for export: high-grade export coal.DERIVATIVES: ex·port·a·bil·i·ty / ikˌspôrtəˈbilitē/ n.ex·port·a·ble / ikˈspôrtəbəl/ adj.ex·por·ta·tion / ˌekspôrˈtāshən/ n.ex·port·er n.