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lame / lām/ • adj. 1. (of a person or animal) unable to walk normally because of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot: his horse went lame. ∎  (of a leg or foot) affected in this way.2. (of an explanation or excuse) unconvincingly feeble: it was a lame statement and there was no excusing his behavior. ∎  (of something intended to be entertaining) uninspiring and dull. ∎  (of a person) naive or inept, esp. socially: anyone who doesn't know that is obviously lame. ∎  (of verse or metrical feet) halting; metrically defective.• v. [tr.] make (a person or animal) lame: somebody lamed him with a stone.DERIVATIVES: lame·ly adv. lame·ness n.

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