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quench / kwench/ • v. [tr.] 1. satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking. ∎  satisfy (a desire): he only pursued her to quench an aching need. 2. extinguish (a fire): firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames. ∎  stifle or suppress (a feeling): fury rose in him, but he quenched it. ∎  rapidly cool (red-hot metal or other material), esp. in cold water or oil. ∎  Physics & Electr. suppress or damp (an effect such as luminescence, or an oscillation or discharge).• n. an act of quenching something very hot.DERIVATIVES: quench·a·ble adj.quench·er n. ( chiefly Physics Metallurgy )quench·less adj. ( poetic/lit. ).

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