rouse / rouz/ • v. [tr.] bring out of sleep; awaken: she was roused from a deep sleep by a hand on her shoulder. ∎ [intr.] cease to sleep or to be inactive; wake up: she roused, took off her eyepads, and looked around. ∎ startle out of inactivity; cause to become active: once the enemy camp was roused, they would move on the castle she'd just stay a few more minutes, then rouse herself and go back. ∎ startle (game) from a lair or cover. ∎ cause to feel angry or excited: the crowds were roused to fever pitch by the drama of the race. ∎ cause or give rise to (an emotion or feeling): his evasiveness roused my curiosity. ∎ [tr.] archaic Naut. haul (something) vigorously in the specified direction: rouse the cable out. ∎ stir (a liquid, esp. beer while brewing): rouse the beer as the hops are introduced.DERIVATIVES: rous·a·ble adj.rous·er n.