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rus·tle / ˈrəsəl/ • v. 1. [intr.] make a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves or paper: she came closer, her skirt swaying and rustling. ∎  move with such sound: a nurse rustled in with a syringe. ∎  [tr.] move (something), causing it to make such a sound: Dolly rustled the paper irritably.2. [tr.] round up and steal (cattle, horses, or sheep).3. [intr.] inf. move or act quickly or energetically; hustle: rustle around the kitchen, see what there is.• n. [usu. in sing.] a soft, muffled crackling sound like that made by the movement of dry leaves or paper: there was a rustle in the undergrowth behind her.PHRASAL VERBS: rustle something up inf. produce something quickly when it is needed: see if you can rustle up a cup of coffee for Paula and me, please.DERIVATIVES: rus·tler / ˈrəs(ə)lər/ n. (usu. in sense 2).

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