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stead·y / ˈstedē/ • adj. (stead·i·er, stead·i·est) 1. firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving: the lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady he refilled her glass with a steady hand. ∎  not faltering or wavering; controlled: a steady gaze she tried to keep her voice steady. ∎  (of a person) sensible, reliable, and self-restrained: a solid, steady young man.2. regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity: a steady decline in the national birth rate sales remain steady. ∎  not changing; regular and established: I thought I'd better get a steady job a steady boyfriend. ∎  (of a ship) moving without deviation from its course.• v. (stead·ies, stead·ied) make or become steady: [tr.] I took a deep breath to steady my nerves | [as adj.] (steadying) she's the one steadying influence in his life | [intr.] by the beginning of May prices had steadied. • interj. used as a warning to someone to keep calm or take care: Steady now! We don't want you hurting yourself.• n. (pl. stead·ies) inf. a person's regular boyfriend or girlfriend: his steady chucked him two weeks ago.PHRASES: go steady inf. have a regular romantic or sexual relationship with a particular person.steady on! Brit. used as a way of exhorting someone to calm down or be more reasonable in what they are saying or doing.DERIVATIVES: stead·i·er n.stead·i·ly / ˈstedəlē/ adv.stead·i·ness n.

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