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there / [voicedth]e(ə)r/ • adv. 1. in, at, or to that place or position: we went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days| [after prep.] I'm not going in there—it's freezing | fig. the opportunity is right there in front of you. ∎  used when pointing or gesturing to indicate the place in mind: there on the right if anyone wants out, there's the door! ∎  at that point (in speech, performance, writing, etc.): “I'm quite—” There she stopped. ∎  in that respect; on that issue: I don't agree with you there. ∎  used to indicate one's role in a particular situation: at the end of the day, we are there to make money.2. used in attracting someone's attention or calling attention to someone or something: hello there! there goes the phone.3. (usu. there is/are) used to indicate the fact or existence of something: there's a restaurant around the corner there comes a point where you give up.• interj. 1. used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it: there, I told you she wouldn't mind!2. used to comfort someone: there, there, you must take all of this philosophically.PHRASES: been there, done that inf. used to express past experience of or familiarity with something, esp. something now regarded as boring or there for someone be available to provide support or comfort for someone, esp. at a time of adversity.have been there before inf. know all about a situation from and theresee here.not all there (of a person) not fully alert and functioning: he's not all there. Give him a couple of days to there inf. used to express one's defiance or awareness that someone will not like what one has decided or is saying: you can't share, so there!there and then immediately.there goes —— used to express the destruction or failure of something: there goes my career.there it is that is the situation: pretty ridiculous, I know, but there it is.there or thereabouts in or very near a particular place or position. ∎  approximately: forty years, there or thereabouts, had elapsed.there you are (or go) inf. 1. this is what you wanted: there you are—that'll be $3.80 please.2. expressing confirmation, triumph, or resignation: there you are! I told you the problem was a political one sometimes it is embarrassing, but there you go.there you go again used to criticize someone for behaving in a way that is typical of them.there you have it used to emphasize or draw attention to a particular fact: so there you have it—the ultimate grand unified theory. ∎  used to draw attention to the simplicity of a process or action: simply turn the handle three times and there you have it.

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