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wel·come / ˈwelkəm/ • n. an instance or manner of greeting someone: you will receive a warm welcome | he went to meet them with his hand stretched out in welcome. • interj. used to greet someone in a glad or friendly way: welcome to the Wildlife Park.• v. [tr.] greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way: hotels should welcome guests in their own language | [as adj.] (welcoming) a welcoming smile. ∎  be glad to entertain (someone) or receive (something): we welcome any comments. ∎  react with pleasure or approval to (an event or development): the bank's decision to cut its rates was widely welcomed.• adj. (of a guest or new arrival) gladly received: visitors with disabilities are always welcome. ∎  very pleasing because much needed or desired: after your walk, the café serves a welcome pot of coffee deregulation is welcome to consumers. ∎  allowed or invited to do a specified thing: anyone is welcome to join them at their midday meal. ∎  (welcome to) used to indicate that one is relieved to be relinquishing the control or possession of something to another: the job is all yours and you're welcome to it!PHRASES: make someone welcome receive and treat someone hospitably.wear out (or overstay or outstay) one's welcome stay as a visitor longer than one is wanted.you're welcome used as a polite response to thanks.DERIVATIVES: wel·come·ly adv.wel·come·ness n.wel·com·er n.wel·com·ing·ly adv.

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