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weld1 / weld/ • v. [tr.] join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.: the truck had spikes welded to the back. ∎  forge (an article) by such means. ∎  unite (pieces of plastic or other material) by melting or softening of surfaces in contact. ∎ fig. cause to combine and form a harmonious or effective whole: his efforts to weld together the religious parties ran into trouble.• n. a welded joint.DERIVATIVES: weld·a·bil·i·ty / ˌweldəˈbilitē/ n.weld·a·ble adj.weld·er n.weld2 • n. a widely distributed plant (Reseda luteola, family Resedaceae) related to mignonette, yielding a yellow dye. ∎  the yellow dye made from this plant, which has been used since Neolithic times and was a popular color for Roman wedding garments.

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