jag1 / jag/ • n. a sharp projection.• v. (jagged / ˈjagd/ , jag·ging ) [tr.] stab, pierce, or prick: she jagged herself in the mouth.DERIVATIVES: jag·ger n.jag2 • n. inf. 1. a bout of unrestrained activity or emotion, esp. drinking, crying, or laughing: an incredible crying jag. 2. dial. a bundle: a jag of hay.
JAG ★★½ 1995
TV pilot episode features Navy pilot-turned-lawyer Lt. Harmon Rabb, Jr. (Elliott) assigned to investigate the case of a young female pilot who disappears from an aircraft carrier. Seems some of her fellow sailors resented having women on board so was it an accident or murder? JAG stands for the office of the Judge Advocate General, whose Navy lawyers serve as investigators, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. 94m/C VHS . David James Elliott, Andrea Parker, Terry O'Quinn, John Roselius, Katie Rich, Scott Jaeck, Patrick Laborteaux, Cliff DeYoung, Kevin Dunn; D: Donald P. Bellisario; W: Donald P. Bellisario; C: Thomas Del Ruth; M: Bruce Broughton. TV
Hence jag sb. xv. jagged XV.