1. Central area of an amphitheatre surrounded by seats for spectators where public competitions, displays, or games take place.
2. Building for public performances, contests, or displays, usually in the open.
3. Theatre without a proscenium, loosely called ‘theatre-in-the-round’.
4. Part of a theatre used by the performers.
5. The main body of a church.
Arena ★★ 1989 (PG-13)
Remember old boxing melodramas about good-natured palookas, slimy opponents, gangsters and dames? This puts those cliches in a garish sci-fi setting, with handsome Steve Armstrong battling ETs and the astro-mob to be the first human pugilistic champ in decades. A really cute idea (from the screenwriters of “The Rocketeer”), but it conks out at the halfway point. Worth a look for buffs. 97m/C VHS . IT Paul Satterfield, Claudia Christian, Hamilton Camp, Marc Alaimo, Armin Shimerman, Shari Shattuck, Jack Carter; D: Peter Manoogian; W: Danny Bilson, Paul DeMeo; M: Richard Band.
a·re·na / əˈrēnə/ • n. a level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held. ∎ a place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict. the political arena.
ARENA (əˈriːnə) (Brazil) Aliança Renovadora Nacional (Spanish: National Renewal Alliance)