
views updated May 17 2018

pilaster. Roman version of the anta, except that generally it conforms to the Order used elsewhere, with column, shaft, and base, and supports an entablature. It is attached to a wall from which it projects only slightly, and is rectangular on plan, so does not conform to the circular plans of columns, and should not be confused with an engaged column. In most cases, and correctly, unlike antae, pilaster-shafts have entasis. Unlike a pier, a pilaster has no structural purpose, and is used to respond to columns or the design of the soffit of a ceiling for purely architectural and decorative reasons.


C. Normand (1852)


views updated May 29 2018

pi·las·ter / pəˈlastər/ • n. a rectangular column, esp. one projecting from a wall.DERIVATIVES: pi·las·tered adj.


views updated May 29 2018

pilaster XVI. — F. pilastre — It. pilastro, medL. pīlastrum, f. L. pīla pillar, PILE2; see -ASTER.

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