
views updated May 23 2018

re·veal1 / riˈvēl/ • v. [tr.] make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others: Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's whereabouts | he revealed that he and his children had received death threats. ∎  cause or allow (something) to be seen: the clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky. ∎  make (something) known to humans by divine or supernatural means: the truth revealed at the Incarnation.DERIVATIVES: re·veal·a·ble·veal·er·veal2 • n. either side surface of an aperture in a wall for a door or window.


views updated Jun 11 2018

reveal, revel. Vertical return or side of an aperture in a wall between the naked of the wall and e.g. a door-frame. It is generally set square with the face, the return inwards from the reveal for the door- or window-frame being the rebate, and the inside return the jamb, often splayed, hence a splayed reveal.


views updated Jun 11 2018

reveal1 disclose in a supernatural manner XIV; divulge by discourse, etc. XV; make visible XVI. — (O)F. révéler or L. revēlāre, f. RE- + vēlum VEIL.
So revelation XIV. — (O)F. or ChrL.


views updated May 17 2018

reveal2 side of an opening or recess at right angles to the face of a work. XVII (revale). f. †revale lower, bring down — OF. revaler, f. RE- + avaler lower.

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