slab / slab/ • n. a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, or wood, typically rectangular: paving slabs she settled on a slab of rock. ∎ a large, thick slice or piece of cake, bread, chocolate, etc.: a slab of bread and cheese. ∎ Climbing a large, smooth, steep body of rock. ∎ an outer piece of timber sawn from a log. ∎ a table used for laying a body on in a morgue.• v. (slabbed, slab·bing) [tr.] [often as n.] (slabbing) remove slabs from (a log or tree) to prepare it for sawing into planks.DERIVATIVES: slabbed adj. slab·by adj.
slab2 (dial.) marshy place, slush. XVII.
So adj. viscid XVII. prob. of Scand. orig. (cf. ODa. slab mud, Icel., Norw., Sw. slabb wet filth).
So adj. viscid XVII. prob. of Scand. orig. (cf. ODa. slab mud, Icel., Norw., Sw. slabb wet filth).
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