
views updated May 29 2018

1. Boss or escutcheon at the apex of a timber vault, where the ribs meet.

2. Niche or recess to receive votive offerings in medieval times.


views updated Jun 08 2018

thole2 (arch., dial.) suffer. OE. þolian = OS. tholon, tholian, OHG. dolōn, dolēn, ON. þola, Goth. þulan; f. Gmc. *þul-, repr. weak grade of IE. *tol- *tel- *tḷ- raise, remove, as in Gr. tlênai endure, bear, L. tollere raise, tulī (pt.) bore.


views updated May 18 2018

thole1 peg, pin, spec. in the gunwale of a boat. OE. þcl(l) = MLG., MDu. dolle (Du. dol), ON. þollr (fir-)tree, peg, referred to Gmc. *þul-, IE. *tul- (cf. Gr. túlos peg). The want of evidence between OE. and XV prob. indicates loss of the OE. word and its supersession by the ON.

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