cat·a·log / ˈkatlˌôg; -ˌäg/ (also cat·a·logue) • n. a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order, in particular: ∎ a list of all the books or resources in a library. ∎ a publication containing details and often photographs of items for sale, esp. one produced by a mail-order company. ∎ a descriptive list of works of art in an exhibition or collection giving detailed comments and explanations. ∎ a list of courses offered by a university or college. ∎ [in sing.] a series of unfortunate or bad things: his life was a catalog of dismal failures.• v. (-logs, -loged, -log·ing; also -logues, -logued, -logu·ing) [tr.] make a systematic list of (items of the same type). ∎ enter (an item) in such a list. ∎ list (similar situations, qualities, or events) in succession: the report catalogs dangerous work practices.DERIVATIVES: cat·a·log·er (also cat·a·logu·er) n.