
views updated May 18 2018

Bo·he·mi·an / bōˈhēmēən/ • n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Bohemia.2. (also bo·he·mi·an) a person who has informal and unconventional social habits, esp. an artist or writer: the young bohemians with their art galleries and sushi bars.• adj. 1. of or relating to Bohemia or its people.2. (also bo·he·mi·an) having informal and unconventional social habits: the bohemian writer's drafty-garret existence.DERIVATIVES: Bo·he·mi·an·ism n.


views updated May 29 2018

Bohemian gipsy XVII; socially unconventional person XIX. f. Bohemia a region of Central Europe + -(I)AN; after F. bohémien gipsy, (transf.) vagabond, adventurer.

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