con·duct • n. / ˈkänˌdəkt/ 1. the manner in which a person behaves, esp. on a particular occasion or in a particular context: the conduct of the police.2. the action or manner of managing an activity or organization. ∎ archaic the action of leading; guidance.• v. / kənˈdəkt/ [tr.] 1. organize and carry out: surveys conducted among students. ∎ direct the performance of (a piece of music or a musical ensemble): my first attempt to conduct a great work | [intr.] Toscanini is coming to conduct. ∎ lead or guide (someone) to or around a particular place. ∎ Physics transmit (a form of energy such as heat or electricity) by conduction.2. (conduct oneself) behave in a specified way: he conducted himself with the utmost propriety.DERIVATIVES: con·duct·i·ble / kənˈdəktəbəl/ adj.con·duct·i·bil·i·ty / kənˌdəktəˈbilitē/ n.
So conduct vb. lead, guide XV; command XVI; direct, manage XVII. Preceded by conduite (XV), f. (O)F. conduite, pp. of conduire; later assim. to the L. pp. conductus. conduction †leading, leadership; †management; †hiring XVI; conducting (of liquid) XVII; transmission of heat, electricity, etc. XIX. — (O)F, or L. conductor A. leader, commander XVI; manager XVII; director of singers and musicians XVIII; B. substance or object that conducts heat, etc. XVIII. — (O)F. conducteur — L.; see -OR 1.