con·fine • v. / kənˈfīn/ [tr.] (confine someone/something to) keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time): he does not confine his message to politics. ∎ (confine someone to/in) restrain or forbid someone from leaving (a place): the troops were confined to their barracks. ∎ (be confined to) (of a person) be unable to leave (one's bed, home, or a wheelchair) because of illness or disability. ∎ (be confined) dated (of a woman) remain in bed for a period before, during, and after the birth of a child.• n. / ˈkänˌfīn/ (confines) the borders or boundaries of a place, esp. with regard to their restricting freedom of movement: cramped within the confines of a little cabin. ∎ fig. the limits or restrictions of something abstract, esp. a subject or sphere of activity.DERIVATIVES: con·fine·ment n.
Hence (or — F. confinement) confinement imprisonment XVII; childbed XVIII.