
views updated May 29 2018

cov·ey / ˈkəvē/ • n. (pl. -eys) a small party or flock of birds, esp. partridge. ∎ fig. a small group of people or things.


views updated May 23 2018


a flock of birds; a brood or hatch of birds; a family, party, or set of persons or things. See also bevy, company, covert.

Examples: covey of coxcombes, 1590; of new doctrines, 1641; of fiddlers, 1616; of girls; of grouse; of mathematicians, 1616; of partridges, 1440; of ptarmigan, 1835; of sage hens, 1868; of trumps [playing cards], 1839; of victims, 1827.


views updated May 14 2018

covey brood of partridges, etc. XIV. — OF. covee (mod. couvée) :- Rom. *cubāta hatching, f. L. cubāre lie.

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