
views updated Jun 11 2018

cra·zy / ˈkrāzē/ inf. • adj. (-zi·er, -zi·est) 1. mentally deranged, esp. as manifested in a wild or aggressive way. ∎  extremely annoyed or angry: the noise they made was driving me crazy. ∎  foolish: it was crazy to hope that good might come out of this mess.2. extremely enthusiastic: I'm crazy about Cindy.3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position. ∎ archaic (of a ship or building) full of cracks or flaws; unsound or shaky.• n. (pl. -zies) a mentally deranged person.PHRASES: like crazy to a great degree: I was laughing like crazy.DERIVATIVES: cra·zi·ly / -zilē/ adv.cra·zi·ness n.

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