sin·gu·lar / ˈsinggyələr/ • adj. 1. exceptionally good or great; remarkable: the singular beauty of the desert. ∎ strange or eccentric in some respect: no explanation accompanied this rather singular statement. ∎ Math. possessing unique properties. ∎ Math. (of a square matrix) having a zero determinant. ∎ Math. denoting a point that is a singularity.2. Gram. (of a word or form) denoting or referring to just one person or thing.3. single; unique: she always thought of herself as singular, as his only daughter.• n. (usu. the singular) Gram. the singular form of a word: the first person singular.DERIVATIVES: sin·gu·lar·ly adv.
singular †alone, solitary; one only; (gram.); †separate, single, personal; †special, particular; not customary, peculiar XVII. ME. singuler — OF. singuler (mod. singulier) — L. singulāris, f. singulus SINGLE; see -ER2. The form in -er was not finally displaced by the latinized -ar till XVII.
So singularity XIV. — (O)F. — late L.
SINGULAR. A term contrasting with PLURAL and dual in the number system of a language and referring to one person or thing. In English, the term is often used to include uncountable noun usages like love and wine because they take singular verb concord, even though in other ways such nouns are different from singular countable nouns like horse and stone.