
views updated May 29 2018

su·per·la·tive / səˈpərlətiv/ • adj. 1. of the highest quality or degree: a superlative piece of skill.2. Gram. (of an adjective or adverb) expressing the highest or a very high degree of a quality (e.g., bravest, most fiercely). Contrasted with positive and comparative.• n. 1. Gram. a superlative adjective or adverb. ∎  (the superlative) the highest degree of comparison.2. (usu. superlatives) an exaggerated or hyperbolical expression of praise: the critics ran out of superlatives to describe him.3. something or someone embodying excellence.DERIVATIVES: su·per·la·tive·ly adv. he was superlatively fit. su·per·la·tive·ness n.


views updated Jun 11 2018

SUPERLATIVE (DEGREE). In grammatical theory, the third DEGREE of an ADJECTIVE or ADVERB. This is usually formed either by adding -est to the uninflected positive or absolute form of shorter words (kindest, fastest) or by putting most before longer words and adverbs (most extraordinary, most quickly). Irregular superlatives include best and worst. See COMPARATIVE DEGREE.


views updated May 21 2018

superlative (gram.) XIV; surpassing all others XV. — (O)F. superlatif, -ive — late L. superlātīvus, f. superlātus (used as pp. of superferre), f. SUPER- + lāt-, pp. stem of tollere take away; see -IVE.

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