
views updated May 29 2018

var·i·o·rum / ˌve(ə)rēˈôrəm/ • adj. (of an edition of an author's works) having notes by various editors or commentators. ∎  including variant readings from manuscripts or earlier editions.• n. a variorum edition.


views updated May 23 2018

variorum edition of a work containing the observations of various commentators. XVIII. g. pl. m. of L. varius VARIOUS in phr. editio cum notis variorum ‘edition with the notes of various (editors)’.


views updated May 23 2018

variorum an edition of an author's works having notes by various editors or commentators, and often including variant readings from manuscripts or earlier editions. The word is Latin, and comes (in the early 18th century) from editio cum notis variorum ‘edition with notes by various (commentators)’.


views updated May 18 2018


a collection of an authors complete works with a commentary or notes, 1728.

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