
views updated May 11 2018

clas·si·cal / ˈklasikəl/ • adj. 1. of or relating to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture: classical mythology. ∎  (of art or architecture) influenced by ancient Greek or Roman forms or principles. ∎  (of language) having the form used by the ancient standard authors. ∎  based on the study of ancient Greek and Latin: a classical education.2. (typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style: a classical ballet.3. of or relating to the first significant period of an area of study: classical Marxism. ∎  Physics relating to or based upon concepts and theories that preceded the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics; Newtonian: classical physics.DERIVATIVES: clas·si·cal·ism / -ˌlizəm/ n.clas·si·cal·i·ty / ˌklasəˈkalətē/ n.clas·si·cal·ly / -ik(ə)lē/ adv.


views updated May 21 2018

classical Literally, it refers to the period between the Archaic and the Hellenistic Age phases of ancient Greek culture. It is used more generally, however, to mean the opposite of romantic or to refer to the artistic styles whose origins can be traced in ancient Greece or Rome. As the antithesis of Romanticism, it is an art which follows recognized aesthetic formulae rather than a style which focuses on individual expression.


views updated May 11 2018

classical. Term which, applied to mus., has vague rather than specific meaning:
1. mus. comp. roughly between 1750 and 1830 (i.e. post-Baroque and pre-Romantic) which covers the development of the classical sym. and conc.

2. mus. of an orderly nature, with qualities of clarity and balance, and emphasising formal beauty rather than emotional expression (which is not to say that emotion is lacking).

3. mus. generally regarded as having permanent rather than ephemeral value.

4. ‘classical music’ is used as a generic term meaning the opposite of light or popular mus

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