dis·cord / ˈdiskôrd/ • n. 1. disagreement between people: a prosperous family who showed no signs of discord. ∎ lack of agreement or harmony between things: the discord between indigenous and Western cultures.2. Mus. lack of harmony between notes sounding together: the music faded in discord. ∎ a chord that (in conventional harmonic terms) is regarded as unpleasing or requiring resolution by another. ∎ any interval except a unison, an octave, a perfect fifth or fourth, a major or minor third and sixth, or their octaves. ∎ a single note dissonant with another.• v. [intr.] archaic (of people) disagree: we discorded commonly on two points. ∎ (of things) be different or in disharmony: the party's views were apt to discord with those of the leading members of the administration.
186. Discord (See also Confusion.)
- Andras demon of discord. [Occultism: Jobes, 93]
- discord, apple of caused conflict among goddesses; Trojan War ultimate result. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 43]
- Discordia goddess of strife and discord. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 83]
- Eris goddess of discord; threw apple of discord among Peleus’s wedding guests. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 95]
- 54-40 or Fight! slogan alluding to disputed borders of Oregon territory under joint British and U.S. occupation. [Am. Hist.: Payton, 241]
- Gaza Strip small coastal desert on borders of Egypt and Israel, the control of which has been in continual dispute. [Middle East. Hist.: Payton, 264]
- Great Schism, the Catholic Church divided over papal succession (1378–1417). [Eur. Hist.: Bishop, 376–379]
- onyx provokes disagreement and separates lovers. [Gem. Symbolism: Kunz, 98–99]