
views updated Jun 27 2018

dis·cord / ˈdiskôrd/ • n. 1. disagreement between people: a prosperous family who showed no signs of discord. ∎  lack of agreement or harmony between things: the discord between indigenous and Western cultures.2. Mus. lack of harmony between notes sounding together: the music faded in discord. ∎  a chord that (in conventional harmonic terms) is regarded as unpleasing or requiring resolution by another. ∎  any interval except a unison, an octave, a perfect fifth or fourth, a major or minor third and sixth, or their octaves. ∎  a single note dissonant with another.• v. [intr.] archaic (of people) disagree: we discorded commonly on two points. ∎  (of things) be different or in disharmony: the party's views were apt to discord with those of the leading members of the administration.


views updated May 29 2018

186. Discord (See also Confusion.)

  1. Andras demon of discord. [Occultism: Jobes, 93]
  2. discord, apple of caused conflict among goddesses; Trojan War ultimate result. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 43]
  3. Discordia goddess of strife and discord. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 83]
  4. Eris goddess of discord; threw apple of discord among Peleuss wedding guests. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 95]
  5. 54-40 or Fight! slogan alluding to disputed borders of Oregon territory under joint British and U.S. occupation. [Am. Hist.: Payton, 241]
  6. Gaza Strip small coastal desert on borders of Egypt and Israel, the control of which has been in continual dispute. [Middle East. Hist.: Payton, 264]
  7. Great Schism, the Catholic Church divided over papal succession (13781417). [Eur. Hist.: Bishop, 376379]
  8. onyx provokes disagreement and separates lovers. [Gem. Symbolism: Kunz, 9899]


views updated May 29 2018

discord XIII (mus. XV). — OF. des-, discord, f. des-, discorder — L. discordāre be at variance, f. discors, discord- discordant, f. DIS- 2 + cor, cord- HEART.
So discordant XIV.


views updated May 11 2018

discord. A chord which is restless, jarring to the ear, requiring to be resolved in a particular way if its presence is to be justified by the ear (or the note or interval responsible for producing this effect).

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