
views updated May 23 2018

pause / pôz/ • n. a temporary stop in action or speech: she dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain| the admiral chattered away without pause. ∎  Mus. a mark ([pauseo]) over a note or rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount. ∎  (also pause button) a control allowing the temporary interruption of an electronic (or mechanical) process, esp. video or audio recording or reproduction.• v. [intr.] interrupt action or speech briefly: she paused, at a loss for words. ∎  [tr.] temporarily interrupt the operation of (a videotape, audiotape, or computer program): she had paused a tape on the VCR.PHRASES: give someone pause cause someone to think carefully or hesitate before doing something: public outrage has given him pause.


views updated May 23 2018

pause (Eng.).
1. The sign ⩀ which means that the note or rest so indicated must be held longer than usual (at performer's discretion). Placed over a bar line, it means a short silence. The Fr. term is point d'orgue
2. In the phrase General Pause (G.P.) it means the whole orch. is briefly silent.


views updated Jun 11 2018

pause sb. XV. — (O)F. pause or L. pausa — Gr. paûsis, f. paúein stop, cease.
So pause vb. XVI. — F. pauser or L. pausāre.


views updated May 23 2018

Pause (Ger.).
1. A pause, as in Eng.

2. Rest.

3. Interval of a concert.


views updated May 29 2018

pause (Fr.).
1. Pause.

2. Rest, especially a whole-note rest and a measure rest.

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