gag1 / gag/ • n. a thing, typically a piece of cloth, put in or over a person's mouth to prevent speaking or crying out. ∎ fig. a restriction on freedom of speech or dissemination of information: they lobbied hard for a gag on doctors and nurses. ∎ a device for keeping the patient's mouth open during a dental or surgical operation.• v. (gagged, gag·ging) 1. [tr.] (often be gagged) put a gag on (someone): she was bound and gagged by robbers in her home. ∎ fig. (of a person or body with authority) prevent (someone) from speaking freely or disseminating information: the administration is trying to gag its critics.2. [intr.] choke or retch: he gagged on the sourness of the wine.gag2 • n. a joke or an amusing story or scene, esp. one forming part of a comedian's act or in a film or play.• v. [intr.] tell jokes.
Hence sb. XVI.