Margaret Tudor

views updated Jun 08 2018

Margaret Tudor (1489–1541), queen of James IV of Scotland. Elder daughter of Henry VII of England, Margaret was married to James at Holyrood on 8 August 1503, and bore her husband six children—four sons and two daughters—of whom only one, Prince James ( James V), born in April 1512, survived. Perhaps significantly, Margaret's second son was christened Arthur, recalling the recently deceased heir to the English throne, Prince Arthur, and reflecting the Scottish king's claim to Henry VIII's throne if the Tudor line should fail.

After James IV's death at Flodden (1513), Margaret threw her energies into politics during the magnate struggles of her son's minority (1513–28). She married Archibald Douglas, earl of Angus (1514), but divorced him in 1526 to marry Henry Stewart, Lord Methven. She took a prominent part in James V's coup of June 1528, and died at Methven (1541).

Norman Macdougall

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Margaret Tudor

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