vig·il / ˈvijəl/ • n. 1. a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, esp. to keep watch or pray: my birdwatching vigils lasted for hours as he lay in a coma the family kept vigil. ∎ a stationary, peaceful demonstration in support of a particular cause, typically without speeches. 2. (in the Christian Church) the eve of a festival or holy day as an occasion of religious observance. ∎ (vigils) nocturnal devotions.
Vigil ★★★ 1984
A stark, dreamy parable about a young girl, living on a primitive farm in a remote New Zealand valley, who watches her family collapse after a stranger enters their territory. Visually ravishing and grim; Ward's first American import. Predecessor to “The Navigator.” 90m/C VHS . NZ Penelope Stewart, Bill Kerr, Fiona Kay, Gordon Shields, Frank Whitten; D: Vincent Ward; W: Vincent Ward.
So vigilant XV. — L. vigilāns, -ant-, prp. of vigilāre keep awake.